Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Chicken

reaches for things she knows she is not allowed to touch, saying "no, no no" even as she grabs the forbidden object

blows noisy kisses to say goodbye

races through the backyard to make the precarious climb up into the cubby house

looks far too small to be walking and running

has the cheekiest smile I have ever seen on a toddler

loves picture books but not stories

plays with the computer mouse but looks at the screen as she does so

is starting to build with megablocks

delights in the aeroplanes that fly overhead

eats with great enthusiasm, and particularly loves fruit and tuna

adores being the centre of attention

asks me to sing to her by doing the actions to 'open, shut them'

waves regally to indicate that she is finished something (I tried to teach her the sign for finished but this is how it manifests)

spins around and around in circles giggling until she falls over

still thinks peekaboo is the funniest game ever

amazes me every day and has my heart wrapped around her little finger

1 comment:

Jenn said...

:D I had forgotten how lovely this age is.