Tuesday, June 8, 2010

About the boy

I didn't get around to my other posts about sleep school but I think the time for that has passed. Instead I'm going to focus today's post on my other child. The following list of questions were put together by a friend of mine who plans to annually film her children answering them as a bit of a record of what goes through their mind at each age.

The boy somewhat begrudgingly answered them for me today. He was a bit suspicious of my motives, and somewhat self conscious about his answers when he saw I was writing them down. So even at this young age there may be a certain element of playing to the audience (in this case me) with some of his more virtuous responses.

(1) What’s your full name?
Actually, I'd better leave this out - but it's a lovely name, better than 'The boy'.

(2) How old are you today?
Five (and three months)

(3) What would you like to be when you grow up?
One of the triple zeros. An ambulance man or a fireman or a police man
(I would like to note here that I will be doing my best to subtly talk him out of being a fireman. Too dangerous for mummy's little boy!)

(4) What are mummy and daddy’s jobs?
Mummy is a speech pathologist and Daddy is an engineer. But mummy cares for us right now.

(5) What do you like about school?
Seeing my friends and literacy groups

(6) If you were King of the world, what would you do?
I would control the world. If there were bad guys I’d ring the police

(7) What’s your favourite animal and why?
(2) Dinosaurs because they were scary. Mammals I guess if we're talking about animals that are real now. All of them because they're furry and interesting.

(8) What makes you happy?
Playing with my friends.

(9) What makes you sad?
When nobody wants to play with me

(10) Who are your best friends?
Dominic and George and Vivek

(11) If you could have a super-power, what would it be?
Protecting the world (even the police!)

(12) What’s your favourite food?
Chicken wraps, chocolate, tuna pasta

(13) What’s your favourite book?
Any book about myths

(14) What’s your favourite toy?

(15) What’s your favourite thing to do?
Play with my friends.

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