Thursday, March 25, 2010


I've neglected this blog a little bit. After starting out with great enthusiasm and congratulating myself on managing a quartet of posts on an artful range of subjects I ran out of steam. That's an even shorter run than I usually manage with passing fads and I'm sure (or I hope I'm sure?) that I'll do better this time around.

I suppose the key to keeping a blog is motivation - knowing why you're writing it. My motivation for trying this again is twofold. Firstly there is the pleasure inherent in writing. I'm never going to be great at it but it is fun in a narcissistic sort of way to sit down and watch your thoughts play out on paper. And the second is the diary element. Since my last post I've really learned that life ticks by quickly, kids grow up without you realising, and memories that you think will always be bright and shiny do start to become ragged around the edges.

Second time lucky perhaps? We'll see.

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