Friday, August 1, 2008

10 reasons I can't be called an intellectual snob...

...alternatively titled I'm just not highbrow
  1. I would watch Neighbours religiously if the family schedule allowed it
  2. I can't walk under or beside the monorail line in the city without singing "Monorail!"
  3. I like most chick-lit, not just the quality stuff. Even the stuff with Mills & Boon tendencies
  4. I like using the word stuff in my speaking and writing
  5. I love getting the Aldi catalogue in our junk mail so I can see what weird and whacky things are on special each week
  6. If I had a day to myself, I'd probably play The Sims. All day.
  7. I like reality TV. The more schlocky the better.
  8. I buy the Sunday papers for the liftouts
  9. I am always up for a discussion on how great Helen Mirren looks in a bikini, whether Chloe Sevigny's clothing label is a trainwreck, or if they should make another SATC movie.
  10. I write blog posts like this. Unashamedly.


Jenn said...

I quite like the Mills and Boon tendencies.

I can't believe you kept your blog a secret Ms Sarah! I'm completely ignoring the fact that this post was from 2008 lol

Nicole said...

Same, Jenn!